
Watch the CBS/KPIX Eye on the Bay episode on Tri-Valley’s eastern I-580, the site of the infamous Altamont Speedway Festival!

Brian randomly explores a swath of land North of I-580, an area nearby residents of Pleasanton and Livermore most likely never travel.  Brian ends up flying high in the sky in an aerial stunt plane, meets a U.S. Congressman on private land near the famed windmills, and hangs out with bikers at an historic biker bar on the Altamont Pass.

Watch Now:

Attitude Aviation

299 West Jack London Boulevard
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 456-2276


EJ’s Cattle and Feed

7900 Carneal Rd,

Livermore, CA 94551

(925) 960-9074

Livermore Pleasanton Rod and Gun Club

4000 Dagnino Road
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 449-3616


Dickey’s BBQ

1524 North Vasco Road

Livermore, CA 94551

(925) 606-4200


The Mountain House Bar

Livermore, CA 94551

(925) 447-0365

A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Pleasanton’s Haunted Downtown

Pleasanton, California in the 1850’s was called “The Most Desperate Town in the West”.   Main Street was home to brothels, gambling halls and bandits. Below the quaint streets of Pleasanton runs an old tunnel that was built by the Chinese in the late 1800’s.  While it was constructed to move goods from store to store and also to move about town after curfew, the tunnel is now reportedly filled with ghosts.

It’s no surprise that the many of the historic buildings in the town have reported seeing ghosts, strange lights and other haunted activities. The most common occurrences are sightings of people, sounds of footsteps or muffled voices, objects that move, doors opening and closing or lights turning on and off.

The tour begins at one of the oldest buildings in town.

Have a margarita here and you may have a ghostly eavesdropper.

Haunt 1: 625 Main Street, Blue Agave Restaurant

Many visitors to Pleasanton have enjoyed a margarita on the patio of this Mexican restaurant.  But few know the haunted history of this building. One of the oldest buildings in town, it was originally a home for the Arendt family.

The School district had their offices here before this was a restaurant.  There were stories of papers suddenly flying around the office for no reason and desk chairs rolling around the office mysteriously.

The staff at the restaurant has noticed noises and doors closing over the years.  When the present owners remodeled the restaurant and upstairs area, one of them saw an apparition of a young girl, who then mysteriously disappeared.

A psychic reading indicated that Mr. Arendt is still in the house and is the dominant spirit.  The other ghosts are people that worked for him in the home.  The psychic reported that the other ghosts like to eavesdrop on conversations and sit on the porch, watching the townspeople pass by.  They love having the house to themselves after the business closes.  Then they have parties and just ignore Mr. Arendt.

Haunt 2:  335 St. Mary Street, Salon Esencia

This is John Amaral’s house-built in the early 1930’s.There have been various sightings over the years of a man in a white shirt and black suspenders looking in the windows and crossing the yard between the two structures on the property.  Reports of items disappearing or being displaced, metal trays in the microwave in the morning, lids on pots rattling for no known cause, large bags of towels repeatedly falling off the shelves, motion detectors being set-off when no one is in the building, and recurring water spots on the carpet in a particular place.  There have been a number of businesses in this building over the last 30 years and similar stories have been passed down from one tenant to another.

Haunt 3: 807 Main Street, The Rose Hotel

Ever wanted to spend the night in a haunted hotel?  Check in to The Rose Hotel, which has had many ghostly sightings.  The building began its life as a general merchandise store, then an indoor golf course.  One particularly scary story comes from when the business was a charity shop.  An employee was in the basement working when the lights went off 3 times, she heard 3 bangs or knock, and then saw a man walk down the stairs and thru the basement wall. Many other employees also had experiences with the ghosts.  They believed that the ghosts were roaming the tunnels under Main Street.  The ghosts remained behind even after the demolition of old building and continue to haunt the new Rose Hotel. The hotel reports that the spirits have moved a heavy set of lockers out from the wall.  Exit doors have sensed that someone left the hotel, but the security cameras don’t pick up anything.

Does the Pleasanton hotel have a ghost that roams the upstairs offices?

Haunt 4: 855 Main Street, The Pleasanton Hotel & The Farmer Restaurant

While you can’t stay at the Pleasanton Hotel, you can dine there at the Farmer Restaurant.  This haunted spot was a favorite of gamblers and prostitutes.  If fact, during the 1950’s the building was owned by Paul “Bouquet” Cohn, the brother of infamous gangster Mickey Cohn.

The famous ghostly resident of the hotel is a prostitute who was murdered in 1870.  She continues to haunt the establishment to this day.  Tenants on the top floor of the building have reported that a cold spot where she near where she died.  Others have heard footsteps, reported instances of not being able to open their doors as if someone is holding it shut and have felt like someone is watching them.

Haunt 5: 200 Ray Street, Historic Kottinger Barn

In it’s latest reincarnation, the barn is Milfleur, a floral and gift shop.  Built in 1852, the barn was used as a jail by Justice of the Peace John Kottinger. Unfortunately, their gangs were busting bandits out of custody on the way to the courthouse.  To stop this from happening Kottinger built a 500 ft tunnel from his home to the jail, in order to secretly move prisoners to and from court so that their friends would not try to free them. According to psychic owner Teri Carlson, there at least twenty ghosts in the barn, including John Kottinger.  Reportedly the ghosts are cattle rustlers, bandits and criminals that were hanged or died while in custody.

Haunt 6: 670 Main Street, Clover Creek

This quaint shop on Main Street has a Native American woman spirit haunting the aisles. A psychic reading indicated that the spirit was sad and lonely, and that a large group of men brought her here with her family and many other people from her tribe.  Her children and husband died, and she is worried that the strange men won’t let her leave. She likes to stand in the window, looking back towards the Pleasanton Hotel and Arroyo Creek.

Haunt 7: 280 Division Street, Leslie Marie’s Spa

This relaxing day spa has a spooky story to tell.  The owner reports being startled by a man’s voice calling to her, saying “hey baby”, as she was walking through the spa. Psychics have told her that she has two spirits, one man and one woman. The female spirit always brings the scent of perfume with her.

Haunt 8: 219 Division Street, Dental Office

What’s scarier then the dentist office? How about a haunted dentist office? Not to worry, this dentist office has a helpful ghost that delivers the mail and the paper to the reception desk. This building was built around 1882 as a bakery, then a brothel, then apartments.  After the building was renovated in 1970, the dentist and his staff noticed that the front door would creak and open, then close, and they would feel the presence of someone. In mid 1970, the dentist was leaving on a fishing trip when he felt a compelling urge to go to his office.  He found the front door unlocked and a smoldering fire caused by an unexplainable short circuit.  He felt that the ghost helped him to save his business.

Haunt 9: 555 Main Street, Town Center Books

This building was formerly a dry cleaners and has a history of haunting.  The owner of the bookstore has reported many strange incidents over the years.  These include, political books that get turned around at night, a filmy white substance seems to float across the windows in the back of the shop, floating orbs and a very distinct sound of a rocking chair rocking on a hardwood floor.  The shore has neither a rocking chair nor a hardwood floors.

A psychic said there are several spirits in the bookstore. One female spirit who stands by the right hand door at the front of the building, and in the children’s area there are 2 teenage Chinese ghosts.  They want to be known so they creak the floors, move the bookshelves, and make other noises. The white streaks are the streaks of energy left behind when they leave to go to other buildings in town.

Haunt 10: 520 Main Street

The building is currently empty, but when the business was an antique store, on Saturday mornings, Pleasanton people noticed a ghostly figure of a woman moving around in the store wearing old-fashioned clothes.  She moved dishes around on the tables that had been set.  Many customers would catch a glimpse of the lady when they were shopping in the store.  The basement is also believed to be haunted.

Haunt 11: Corner of Neal & Main Street, Pleasanton Train Depot

The train depot was built in 1869 and was the second train depot in Pleasanton. This was a very active corner in the “old days” with the bar, the train, and the courthouse across the street at the Gail building. Local man, Charles Huff renovated the upstairs of the depot in 1986 after it had been vacant for over 20 years.  The foreman warned him that the doors locked and unlocked on their own. To placate the spirits, Huff lined the stairway walls with old photos, including one of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Sheffield, who once lived there and Joseph Fletcher, who was the conductor between Oakland and Pleasanton at the turn of the century.  That stopped the problem with the doors.

The railroad tracks were the cause of many accidental deaths in Pleasanton’s early days.  Several Native Americans would follow the tracks to the bars (Meadowlark Dairy was a bar in those days) and then some would fall asleep on the tracks on their way back to their camp and be hit by the passing trains.

Haunt 12: 252 Main Street, Serenity Stoneworks

There used to be a smaller home on this lot, built in 1872 that housed a couple and their 13 children.  In 1937, the smaller building was demolished and this home was built.  This land has been passed down in the same family since 1872.  Many different businesses have been in this location over the years and the spirits have made themselves known each time the new businesses have remodeled.  They’ve reported smelling a particular perfume when the spirit was present, noises and items being moved.

Haunt 13: Gay 90’s Pizza Co., 288 Main St

This is the second oldest building in town, and has been used as a Wells Fargo stagecoach stop, brothel and most recently, a pizza parlor.  The current owner has encountered many strange things over the years. When his office was in the basement, he would hear a foreign sounding language coming from the area of the entrance to the tunnels.  Many Pleasanton residents and the owner have claimed to see a “lady in blue” standing at the upstairs window. A psychic saw the lady at the window as she approached the building, though she was not aware of the legend.  The psychic believed that the lady in blue was a prostitute at the time the upstairs was used as a brothel. The owner has never been able to get a plant to stay alive in this window.

She is the resident ghost and mischievously plays with the owner and employees. The owner had problems with her opening the door of the refrigerator in the upstairs apartment, and other mischief. Recently, the new manager of the restaurant encountered the lady when he was alone in the building. He heard a female voice say “Hi” to him.  He also heard knocking twice on the basement side of the door, and knocking from inside the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen and no one is there.

The best proof of her ghostly existence is the story of the mirror.  One day the owner was downstairs with his dog. His dog refused to go to the front part of the restaurant, which is the oldest part of the structure. The dog began was barking wildly, and as this was occurring, the owner looked up and saw BOO written in the mirror.  They have tried to wash it off both on the front and the back, but have not been able to remove the words till this day.  The “Boo Mirror Booth” is a favorite spot in the restaurant for visitors.

If you’d like to hear more about these haunted historic buildings, the Musuem on Main Street in Pleasanton hosts an Annual Ghost Walk.  Dates for 2010 are October 22-23 and 29-30 Tickets and information can be found on their website.

Do you have a haunted story to tell? Leave a comment!

Exciting news to report! The Tri-Valley History Council – a network of local history centers, historic sites, libraries, museums and genealogical societies whose fields of interest include the entire Tri-Valley region – is working on a new event to celebrate our local history & culture to residents and visitors alike!

The Tri-Valley Heritage Happening is a month long celebration of Tri-Valley heritage and culture.  The inaugural event will be held in October 2011 and will feature a flurry of guided tours, events and exhibits at museums and historic sites throughout the Tri-Valley, a five-city region in San Francisco’s East Bay.  A cultural experience for all ages, the Tri-Valley Heritage Happening celebrates the beauty of fall and the rich history and traditions woven into the fabric of each of the towns.

Stay tuned to our blog for more information about this event, including some fun contests to design the official poster!

Experience the magic of a brightly decorated holiday train, covered with thousands of lights, as it winds through Niles Canyon on a 75-minute round-trip ride either from Fremont to Sunol or from Sunol to Fremont and return.  There is a twilight train and an evening train.  Tickets are $25 for anyone 3 years old and up, and are available for purchase online.

The trains start running on the Friday after Thanksgiving and run through December 27th.  This train ride is a holiday tradition for many families.  I’ve compiled a a few tips will make this more enjoyable for you and your small children.

1. If you have a large group, arrive 1 hour early to pick up your tickets and get in line to get seats together.  Or, if the weather isn’t great, arrive early to get a seat in one of the indoor cars, as there are indoor and outdoor cars and no guarantee of an indoor seat.

2. Pack some kid friendly healthy snacks and hot drinks.  They do sell the cookies and chips along with some drinks, but if you have your family on a healthier diet, bring your own snacks.

3. Bring some games or coloring books. Including the wait in line and waiting for the entire train to board and deboard plus the actual 75 minute ride, it can be a 3 hour excursion.  So depending on the age of the child,  you’ll need to ready to entertain them with games.

4. Santa is aboard the train but please be patient and stay in your seat – he will come to you! The families that jump up to bring their kids to Santa just delay things, and trust me -every child gets a chance to say hi to Santa and get a candy cane.

Follow these easy tips and make the Niles Canyon Railway Train of Lights a holiday tradition with your family!

This annual fundraising event is presented by the Pacific Locomotive Association to benefit Niles Canyon Railway projects throughout the year. For more information on the train and to purchase tickets, go to http://www.ncry.org/tol_09.htm

Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford

The “Lights. Camera. Pleasanton.” exhibit runs through January 17, 2010 at the Museum On Main Street, 603 Main Street, Pleasanton.

The exhibit showcases the history of moviemaking in Pleasanton from the silent era to the digital age, with particular emphasis upon the town’s experience as a popular filming location during the late teens and early twenties. Such screen luminaries as Mary Pickford and Rudolph Valentino appeared in Pleasanton-shot productions.

On display are movie stills including original prints and reproductions; publicity photos of actors and directors; copies of the books from which some of the films were adapted; a selection of glass slides advertising Kolln Hardware at local movie theaters; pictures of the Main Street theater at various times in its history; a re-creation of the filming of a scene as a life-sized tableau; and a display from the Niles-Essanay Silent Film Museum.
Museum hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, 1-4 p.m. Admission is a $2 requested donation. Visit www.musueumonmain.org

Ida Jessen Holm with her children on a buckboard, circa 1910, on the family’s farm on Stanley Blvd., Livermore.

Ida Jessen Holm with her children on a buckboard, circa 1910, on the family’s farm on Stanley Blvd., Livermore.

Meet the 4th and 5th generations of the Holm Family at the Dublin Heritage Center’s Danish Workshop, Saturday, November 7, 2:00-4:00 PM. Explore the delicious and colorful traditions of Denmark; from sweet dessert dumplings to the stories of Hans Christian Anderson, to the local Danish ranchers of Dublin. Children can participate in Danish crafts and paper cutting and enjoy Storyteller Randel McGee as he makes the stories of Hans Christian Andersen come to life. Learn how to make Danish Abelskivers and taste cookies made from the Holm Family Cookbook. Fun for everyone, from toddlers to grandparents.

Danish Workshop
Dublin Heritage Center
Historic Old Murray Schoolhouse
6600 Donlon Way, Dublin, CA
$5.00 per person

A story passed down in the Holm family tells that one of Ida Holm’s forefathers was a Danish sea captain who sailed into the Bay when there were only seven houses in what is now San Francisco, California. It is known that Danish whaling ships anchored in the San Francisco Bay in search of water and provisions. The height of the California Gold Rush was from 1849–1853. Many sailors deserted their ships to join gold seekers (known as the 49ers) in the placers of the Sierras. The majority had little success. Many had noticed the abundance of natural resources in the Bay Area—redwood forests, millions of wild fowl, large herds of game animals, fish in the rivers and bays, salt, and rich land that could produce hay, grain, and vegetable crops. Markets were available in rapidly growing San Francisco, which was booming with tents and wooden houses. A walk through the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery will confirm the prevalence of Danes that settled and ranched in the Tri-Valley in the late 19th and 20th centuries. The names include Rasmussen, Fredericksen, Therklesen, Andersen, Holm, Kamp, Jensen, Larsen, and many more. The Danes helped to shape the Tri-Valley as we know it today.

A young Danish sailor, Cornelius Mohr, left his ship in 1852 to find work as a carpenter and farmhand on the ranches around Alvarado in the Bay Area. In 1853 he purchased 200 acres of the Soto Land Grant. Many of the young Danish immigrants found work through Mohr. He became recognized as the founder of “Little Copenhagen” and “Germantown,” which is now San Lorenzo in Alameda County. Cornelius Mohr’s properties grew to include 360 acres in Pleasanton where his son, Henry P. Mohr, raised large grain crops, pastured range cattle, and became a noted breeder of Clydesdale and Shire draft horses. Henry P. had five daughters: Eileen, Ernestine, Mildred, Cecile, and Edna. They were family friends of the Holm family. Cecile recalled enjoying a visit at 4:00 p.m. on a Sunday at the Holm house and being delighted by the spread of food, which included delicious cream puffs. Many of the young Danish immigrants had experience as carpenters and ship builders. They carried hammers with square heads and became known as “squareheads.”

The Danish Lodge picnic, Livermore, circa 1908. Ida Holm third from left in front row standing; Carl Holm, in front standing row, sixth from left.

The Danish Lodge picnic, Livermore, circa 1908. Ida Holm third from left in front row standing; Carl Holm, in front standing row, sixth from left.

Peter Nielsen was born in Denmark and immigrated to California in the 1880’s, settling in Dublin. He became a naturalized United State citizen in 1890 and leased large tracts of land from Charles Dougherty on what is now Camp Parks. He married Johanna Nielsen and they had four sons. A believer in education, Thomas Nielsen was one of the founders of the Murray School District. John Bonde was born in Denmark in 1855 and worked in Mt. Eden near Hayward for four years. Then he moved to Dublin where for 22-years he operated the hotel originally built by J. W. Dougherty.

In 1869, Carl Holm, a young, adventurous Dane immigrated to California, drawn by the dream of owning his own land. By working hard he realized this dream and bought a tract of land, built a home, raised a family, and became a vital and contributing member of the Livermore community. His descendents remain in the Livermore Valley, and have creatively captured their family history through recipes, stories, photographs, and art in a book entitled, The Holm Family Cookbook, A Culinary Tale of Danish Tradition and Western Lore. The book includes many sidebars describing the Danish immigrant community within the Livermore Valley of California, dating back to the 1850’s. Carl Holm helped form the Danish Lodge in Livermore, Dannevang No. 7, was president of the California Grand Danish Lodge in 1908, and helped build Livermore’s Dania hall in 1911.

Flødeboller (Cream Puffs)
Serves 6
Ida Jessen Holm

1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
1/2 cup boiling water
1/2 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/2 pint heavy whipping cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon sugar

Preheat the oven to 450˚F. Lightly butter the cookie sheets. In a medium saucepan over high heat, melt the butter in the boiling water. Decrease the heat to low. Add the flour and salt all at once, stirring vigorously with a spoon until the mixture leaves the sides of the pan in a smooth, compact mass and a metal spoon pressed into it leaves a clear impression. Immediately remove from the heat. Quickly beat in the eggs, 1 at a time, beating until each is blended and the mixture is smooth. Continue beating the mixture with a spoon until it forms a stiff dough. Drop by heaping tablespoonfuls (it helps to use a wet spoon) 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet. Using a wet spoon, shape into rounds that point up in the center, like a Hershey’s Kiss. Bake for 10 minutes, then decrease the temperature to 400˚F and continue baking for another 25 minutes. The cream puffs should be puffed high and golden brown. Remove from the cookie sheets with a spatula and place on a wire cake rack to cool. Combine the cream, vanilla, and sugar in a bowl. Whip until soft peaks form. To serve, split the cream puffs almost all the way around horizontally. Fill with a large scoop of fresh whipped cream.

Altamont festival_005billowens

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

The Altamont Story
(Excerpt from the book Bill Owens)
My first job at age thirty, was a photo journalist working at the tri-weekly Livermore Independent Newspaper. My wife, Janet, and I rented a house for $120 a month and moved to Livermore, California. Three days later, my son Andrew was born. My new job paid $110 a week, and we could survive.

The newspaper gave me five to fifteen assignments a day photographing everything from rotary club meetings to high school basketball games. I was fast and could take a photograph, process film, and make a print in less than fifteen minutes (I printed off a wet negative). I loved learning the draft of photography, and it wasn’t long before I could call myself a photojournalist.
In the fall of 1979, I got a phone call from my friend Beth, who was a freelance photographer who worked off and on for the Associated Press. She said the AP wanted to hire me for the day (Saturday) to cover a rock and roll concert in the Altamont hills. This area consisted of rolling hills, cows, and a dirt race track. The big news was that the Rolling Stones were going to give a free concert. The bad news was that it was going to be guarded by the Hells Angels (the Angels were known to be a rough bunch; many have been in prison). The Altamont concert was going to be the West Coast’s response to Woodstock. Everybody was thinking sex and drugs and rock and roll. The newspaper had a flexible structure and they would cut me free for the day as long as I provided them with photos of the concert.
That morning Beth showed up with Bob from the Associated Press. We discussed how we would photograph the concert. Our plan was to be the first news photographers to transmit images of the event. This way, every Sunday newspaper in the country would have our photos. We didn’t know if the UPI (United Press International), Newsweek, or television stations were covering the event (it turned out that they weren’t).
Beth and Bob went in his car, and I drove my motorcycle along on the Patterson Pass Road to the Altamont hills. Traffic had come to a halt by ten o’clock that morning. People had parked and abandoned their cars in the middle of the road. They joined hundreds of others walking toward the racetrack. I soon parked my motorcycle and joined the crowd.

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

When I arrived at the racetrack, the stage and sound towers had been set up. I climbed up on the tower to the left of the stage and could see a couple thousand people seated on the hillside waiting for the concert to start. It was the perfect position from which to photograph everything that was going to happen that day. I had two Nikons, three lenses, thirteen rolls of film, a sandwich, and a jar of water.

Around noon, the first band, the Jefferson Airplane, began to set up. The crowd had grown to thousands of people pushing against the stage. When people tried to climb up onto the stage, the Angels would shove them back into the crowd. People were getting injured in the melee. The band and the Hells Angels began to argue over how to do crowd control.

A fat Mexican guy took off all his clothes and tried unsuccessfully to climb up on the stage. Two Hells Angels with pool cues jumped off the stage and beat him to the ground.

The concert had turned into a disaster, but somehow the band began to play. Soon an Angel type with a pipe wrench climbed my tower and told me to get down or he would break open my “#$%^*&@” skull. What went through my mind was that he had seen me taking photographs of the Angels and wanted to destroy my cameras and film. I flashed my press card. He didn’t care and threatened to throw me off the tower.

I packed my cameras and slowly climbed down from the tower. I was finished shooting, as I was out of film. In four hours I had shot thirteen rolls of black and white film and a couple rolls of color. I now wanted to get back to my darkroom and process my film for the AP. It took over an hour to walk through the crowd (later estimated to have been 300,000 people) and find my motorcycle. Back at the newspaper office, Bob was already in the darkroom and had transmitted his images of the concert (Beth would stay to the end of the concert that night and photograph a Hells Angel murdering a guy on the stage! This was filmed by the Maysles brothers and later turned into a documentary).

As I processed my film, I told Bob about the Angels and the chaos going on at the concert. At first I couldn’t find the images of the Angels beating the fat guy with pool cues. When I found those images, Bob looked at the film and said the negatives were too thin and would make photographs that were too dark for newspaper reproduction. I went home to be with Janet and our new baby.

The next day, I was able to print the images using a No. 5 paper that could handle the contrast. I made good, solid images of the violence at the Altamont concert and sold them to Rolling Stone and numerous national magazines. I was afraid to use my own name in the photo credits, as I feared the Angels would come and murder me. Beth’s photographs did show the man who did the murder, and he was later arrested and sent to prison.

Unfortunately, Beth and I loaned our film to a young couple producing a book on the concert. Their house was robbed, and all was lost except for a couple rolls of color film.

Photographer, Brewer, Distiller & Raconteur
A photographer known for his 1972 classic Suburbia, Bill is now making digital movies and has a few more books up his sleeve. He is a father, a brewer, a gardener, and founder of the American Distilling Institute.  Favorite toy: My Daisy BB gun. Other interests: I wrote How to Build a Small Brewery,  and then I founded three pub breweries. My best-known beer was Pumpkin Ale. I published American Brewer Magazine for 17 years. Collections: Wheelbarrows, Radio Flyer wagons, whirligigs, and antique lawn sprinklers. I also own a 12-pound cannon ball from the Civil War. I collect folk art, mostly carved wooden animals. My favorite is an owl by Felipe Archaleta. I’m in the process of buying back my childhood.

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

These days in Tri-Valley, when you mention Altamont, people think you are talking about the traffic traveling from Livermore into the Central Valley.  Many young residents and visitors are not aware that it was in fact the site of infamous Altamont Speedway Free Festival in 1969.   The much maligned concert is in some circles widely known as the end of the hippie era.  It has been 40 years since Woodstock, and the festival is celebrating with a new film, and hundreds of press articles.  But here in Tri-Valley, we are remembering the end of the 60’s differently with an exhibit of never before seen photos from Altamont by photographer Bill Owens at the Bankhead Theater in Livermore.  The exhibit will be on display during Guitar Player Live! September 11-13, 2009 at the Bankhead Theater.

The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was an infamous rock concert held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway in northern California, between Tracy and Livermore. Headlined and organized by The Rolling Stones, it also featured, in order of appearance: Santana, Jefferson Airplane, The Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills & Nash, with the Rolling Stones taking the stage as the final act.  The Grateful Dead were also scheduled to perform, but declined to play shortly before their scheduled appearance due to the increasing violence at the venue.  “That’s the way things went at Altamont—so badly that the Grateful Dead, prime organizers and movers of the festival, didn’t even get to play.”  Nevertheless, the erroneous notion is still in circulation.

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

Altamont Photographer Bill Owens (Copyright 1969)

Approximately 300,000 people attended the concert, and some anticipated that it would be a “Woodstock West.” Filmmakers Albert and David Maysles shot footage of the event and incorporated it into a documentary film entitled Gimme Shelter (1970). The event is best known for having been marred by considerable violence, including one homicide and three accidental deaths: two caused by a hit-and-run car accident and one by drowning in an irrigation canal. Four births were reported during the event as well.

The Altamont concert is often contrasted with the Woodstock festival that took place less than four months earlier. While Woodstock represented “peace and love”, Altamont came to be viewed as the end of the hippie era and the de facto conclusion of late-1960s American youth culture: “Altamont became, whether fairly or not, a symbol for the death of the Woodstock Nation.”Rock music critic Robert Christgau wrote in 1972 that “Writers focus on Altamont not because it brought on the end of an era but because it provided such a complex metaphor for the way an era ended”.

Lights. Camera. Action. “Hollywood in Pleasanton” is returning to the Museum On Main Street, 603 Main Street, Pleasanton, this year from 1-5 p.m. on Sunday, September 20.

Pleasanton was one of the primary places to make movies in the early 1900’s.  With Essanay movie studios in Niles, Pleasanton’s quaint downtown worked well for many sets.  The Museum On Main Street is reenacting scenes from four of the 30 plus movies made here.  Local actors will re-enact some of the scenes from the silent movies, “Tom Sawyer,” starring Jack Pickford; “Yellow Dog,”  “Gigolo”, and the circus scenes from “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” starring Mary Pickford.

The Museum on Main Street will become a movie theater showcasing “It Ain’t Hay,” with Abbott and Costello.  Abbott and Costello re-enactors will do a live radio show from the Museum featuring their famous comedic sketch, Who’s On First. Check out the movie theater’s showing of some of our more famous silent films before or after you watch the reenactments.  Ticket prices are $10 per person.

Bring your cameras to the Red Carpet event beginning at 1 p.m.   Immediately following the Red Carpet, the actors will go to their locations and act out scenes from the four selected silent movies until 3:30 p.m.  Movies will continue to be shown at the museum until 4 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased at the Museum On Main, 603 Main St., by calling the museum at 462-2766, or at the museum on the day of the event.

Eugene ONeill and Wife Carlotta

Eugene O'Neill and Wife Carlotta

Starting June 6 through August 29, 2009, the Eugene O’Neill National Historic Site will be offering NO RESERVATION SATURDAYS to the site.

A park van will be waiting at the Museum of the San Ramon Valley (205 Railroad Ave., Danville, CA) at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to bring visitors up and down from the O’Neill home. No reservations are needed on these Saturdays this summer. However, If you are planning to bring a large group, please contact the park at (925) 838-0249.

A Bit About this National Historic Site:

O’Neill in California: America’s only Nobel Prize winning playwright, Eugene O’Neill, chose to live in the Tri-Valley, specifically in Danville, CA at the climax of his writing career. Isolated from the world and within the walls of his home, O’Neill wrote his final and most memorable plays; The Iceman Cometh, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, and A Moon for the Misbegotten.

Visitors arrive by park shuttle from the Town of Danville, receive a guided tour through O’Neill’s Tao House, and have time to explore the grounds before returning to Danville on the shuttle. Plays are presented in the old barn twice a year by The Eugene O’Neill Foundation in the spring and fall.

About Eugene O’Neill’s time in Danville:

In 1937 the playwright Eugene O’Neill and his wife Carlotta discovered 158 acres in the Las Trampas Hills above Danville, California and decided to build there. They loved the site not only because of the beauty of the countryside Eugene described as “corduroy hills,” but also because of its isolation. For the O’Neills it was an advantage to be away from the world, escaping from the publicity and notoriety the successful playwright had attracted after receiving the Nobel Prize for literature in the previous year. They lived in the home they named Tao House (from the Taoist philosophy meaning “the right way of life”) from 1937 to 1944. The house Eugene called his “final harbor” was at once a home, a working place and a fortress, built high on the hill, where few visitors were welcomed. Carlotta protected Eugene from the outside world, and he was able to write his most famous plays isolated behind three doors that closed off his study from the rest of the house.